Pruning the Branches to Recovery

I was thinking today about PTSD therapy… both how it seems to destabilize your life to it’s core, and also how, when facing it, you can be viewed by other people looking in as a… ‘simpler’ person… someone weak… someone struggling or unable to comprehend even the most basic aspects of life that others seem to understand easily.

I’d been trying to figure out why these two things happen for a while now and I think I’ve finally got a fairly good analogy for it.

We tend to view ourselves as heading down the race of life. The further we progress down this path, the more knowledge we gain and the stronger we go. We need to hit all the checkpoints in the right order to progress, and those who seem to be missing some of these checkpoints, be it an achievement like a career, financial security, marriage, children, or something intangible like self worth or an understanding that you probably won’t be attacked on purpose, we assume their progress has halted AT that checkpoint where they are still standing now.

In reality, our lives are more like a tree. As children we start to sprout branches of foundational concepts that the rest of our world view will be built upon.

“Don’t hurt others.” “Pain is bad.” “There is love in this world.” “Experimentation brings progress.”

These foundational branches of logical deduction grow as we age becoming stronger and more robust through our experiences, and further logical deductions branch off from them.

“Don’t hurt others. -> People Like it when you do good things for them -> People like different things than you may like -> it feels good to help others” etc

These branches form built on the observations and repetitive confirmations we receive through childhood through our teens, to adulthood and all the way to the end of our lives.

However, some of us… in fact I would go so far as to argue MOST of us though we may not always realize it; have branches that grow the wrong way. Be it from the environments we are raised in, or a freak accident that bends and breaks the branches growing, we form branches that instead of reaching towards the sun as they should be, curl downwards towards the ground where they risk

withering and growing rot. The branches that are affected like this in childhood are ESPECIALLY troublesome as many are close to the trunk and become the foundation of many of our beliefs and the way we view the world.

I should point out, that not EVERYTHING that branches off from these damaged branches are bad. In fact, there can be many that angle back up to the sky and become some of what many consider our better qualities. But as the branch continues to grow lower and lower, even some of our better qualities can come at a painful and destructive cost.

To fix this, we need to go back to the source of the damage and prune it. We need to cut the branch on an angle so that it will regrow in the proper direction. We need to approach it methodically and carefully as to not ruin it forever but instead allow it to regrow safely, the way it was intended to. But we also need to realize that there is a heavy cost to this pruning, especially if the damage happened long ago.

Many new branches have sprouted off of the damaged branch, and to prune the damaged branch will mean affecting them as well. Branches both good and bad will fall to the ground and many of the things we have grown from and learned to rely on will be brought into question.

However; with time and attention, the branch will regrow, and while it will never be the same as it was before, the other branches that sprouted from it will grow back as well. It is a slow process, and one that will quite likely change the look of the tree forever, but something that is essential for the tree’s survival and will allow it to grow stronger than before.

Below is just a single one of the many branches I need to fix. One of the core branches that I have struggled with for years due to things I had dealt with growing up. The concept that my own life and happiness are worthless. From it, many negative views have sprouted and held me back. A lack of self preservation. Not bothering to mention when something hurt me or fight back if it was just me getting hurt. A lifestyle of pushing myself to the point that I permanently damaged my body, and a lack of value that led to suicidal thoughts.

But there were also good things that sprouted from it, and things that are hard to let go of. A strong value of others that came from feeling like it was too late for me but I didn’t want anyone else to become what I did. A desire to help others, even at the cost of my own comfort. An ability to realize that I am not always right and that there are things I don’t understand or agree with that are still valid.

As I work on pruning this branch, I feel all these aspects of my life being affected and changed… but at the same time I have hope that the good aspects can come back stronger by sprouting from a less self loathing source. That it is possible to care for yourself and for others.

It’s a long journey to recovery, and quite honestly, the recovery process feels more unsettling than the actual thing you are curing often enough. But it’s a recovery worth fighting for.

Again I say, don’t be afraid to turn for help. Don’t be afraid to deal with problems from years ago. It may feel like you’re regressing to a child at times. It may feel like you’re throwing away a lifetime of experiences at others. But you aren’t! You HAVE grown, and that growth will stay with you and let you come back stronger. But sometimes we need to move backwards to move forwards.

Take it one step at a time and keep pushing onwards!

Even in the Darkness There is Light

I feel at this point, everyone has seen how bad this world has gotten…
People all living in fear… Refreshing their internet browsers every 5 minutes to get updated infected tolls as if that will help them in any way… people getting laid off left right and center… Businesses getting shut down… People dying… Streets bear… economies struggling… governments worried…
I’m pretty sure everyone has seen all this and much much more… It’s almost impossible to escape now as everywhere you turn it seems to be all that is on peoples’ lips… it’s changed our world so drastically…
But that’s not all I’ve seen…
I’ve also seen people give up their grudges to work together and support each other in this time. I’ve seen countries cooperate in ways I never thought they could. Diplomatic barriers fall down that were held up for so long.
I’ve seen businesses make changes they had for years said were impossible. I’ve seen infrastructure built and progress made in ways we never would before because “It wasn’t the way things had always been done.” I’ve seen companies from large conglomerates to small entrepreneurs give free resources and services to people during this time such as free internet to families who can’t afford it so their children can still keep going to school, free improved video calling services so that people can still remain in contact with each other and find social connections during isolation, companies making temporary last minute tweaks to their games and services in knowledge that millions of people are currently stuck at home, scared, and bored.
I have seen people who have never been pulled out of their comfort zones before pulled out and forced to face the music that this world is far bigger than they imagined. I’ve seen those with extreme prejudice forced to accept charity from those they tore down. I’ve seen encouragement and support given from those who were already stuck here in these pits of despair to all those who have recently entered. One by one, I have seen so many lives that have been forced to confront areas of their lives they had been avoiding up until now and are growing because of this one disaster. Almost as if there were thousands of loose and unconnected ends all being tied up in one final sweep.
What’s more, I’ve seen so many times and in so many places, areas where infrastructure had been implemented years ago (sometimes begrudgingly) that has made this time far less impactful than it could ave been. Maybe it was self serve checkouts, or online service desks, or digital video conferencing software, or digital workspaces, or even livestreaming functionality added to churches… But all these little things that were added for a plethora of unique reasons that now all have a moment to shine as if they were put in place to just prepare us for now.
Now I’m not totally oblivious. Anyone who knows me knows I have my cynical side too. So yes, I see those who cling to their political regimes. I see those who see this as an opportunity to profit off the miseries of others. I see racist comments and vigilantism spreading along with paranoia and mass hysteria. I see those who have always stood on mountain tops cowering in fear and clinging to their seats lashing out at anyone who comes near them whether friend or foe…
But this could have been worse… No… this SHOULD have been worse… so much worse… Because I have also seen what this could have become… How many more people could have been infected… How much more extreme the effects of this could have been. How much more people could have panicked. How much more selfishly people could have decided to live… the anarchy that can come from a world that is scared but also feels they cannot trust or rely on those around them and so instead looks for the opportunity to backstab before they are backstabbed…
But instead I saw something that even I couldn’t have expected… And it’s not done by everyone… but it has been seen through by far more people than I ever could have imagined…
I have seen that when a danger comes that affects EVERYONE equally, we are forced to put away our pride, our fears, our ambitions, and our prejudices…. That we are forced to face the one truth we are usually never willing to admit… That we are human… that we are weak… That we NEED each other…
And as I said, not everyone will make this decision even when pushed to the brink. Quite often those we give the most power to and who have the most people looking at them are the least willing to make this decision and as such cling to their old ways as it drags them down…. However; when those who stand up high refuse to change and make the necessary choices to act… There will still be those who come from below who will rise up to make the decisions that need to be made. Who will be the selfless lights in the world… the beacons of hope that keep people going… It may be as large as donating millions or opening hotel rooms for hospital beds. It may be as small as making webcontent to inform and encourage people during these rough times… But the darker the day, the brighter even the smallest light will shine.
Make no mistake… This too shall pass and when we look back we shall be surprised at how short a time it really lasted for and it will soon pass from our minds as just an unpleasant memory we can all relate back on, just like how every crisis we face always does…. But the lessons we learn from these times… The maturity we can gain from facing our weakness… The wisdom we can build from stepping outside our comfort zone… The broader our world will become by being forced to face those with lifestyles and worldviews we never held before…. Those things will stay with us if we let them….
While the pain may only last for a few months at most, the lessons shall stay with us for a lifetime.
Do not fear the current darkness, for there is light all around us; so long as you’re looking for it!

It Wasn’t a Waste

It wasn’t a waste…

That course that failed

That job you got let go from

That house you had to give up on

That project that went no where

That career path you can no longer pursue

That relationship that ended

That effort that came back to bite you

It wasn’t a waste…

Though there will be many to tell you it is…

They will point out your failures…

They will tell you how you aren’t getting any younger

How at your age they had accomplished so much more

How they know others your age who don’t struggle like this

How if you were a bit more responsible or reliable you wouldn’t deal with this….

There is no shortage of people in this world who will call you useless, broken, a waste, dead weight, a lost cause….

Don’t be one of them…

Because it wasn’t a waste…

The truth is those who feel they cannot show signs of failure will never be able to keep up with those who embrace it as a way of life….

Because it never was a waste…

You learned from your experiences

You gained skills to carry across

You gained insight few others will have

You gained empathy many others will need

It wasn’t a waste…

But if you throw away your failures and unfinished projects as nothing more than wasted time it will be…

Learn, grow, explore

This life is far less on rails than people will have you believe

Keep on trying!

Because it isn’t a waste

You Can Hate Your Life and Still Be Christian

There is a strong belief that the Christian approach is to always be thankful for your given circumstances. Even if we don’t outright say it, there is still a pressure to “Never complain” and “Always look on the bright side” lest we receive scoldings and “reminders” from well meaning individuals.

This is not how we are meant to live though…

If we look through the Bible, do we see it say “Joseph was sold as a slave and praised God that he got promoted to head slave!” or “David was forced to flee the country, but at least he had an entire city’s worth of followers so there were others worse off than him.” Do we even read “Job lost his family, his wealth, and was forced to live on the streets scraping off bits of his own skin while his well meaning friends told him to apologize for what he did wrong because that’s the only reason he would be suffering like this……. but at least he HAD experienced wealth and family. Some people don’t even get that!”
No. As often as we hear this in our day to day lives, you will not hear the Bible pointing this out. Why? Because life is stinking tough! And yes. All these people who went through hardships WERE still being blessed by God THROUGH said hardships, but that didn’t make the hardships NOT hard!
Do you know what IS said in the Bible a lot? Things like “Oh that I would never have been born!” “Curse the day my mother was told she was pregnant!” “God has betrayed me!” “There is no meaning to my life!” “That God would just bring a swift end to me so I could finally know peace!” “Meaningless! Everything is meaningless!”
This is tough, hard, non-grateful comments to be given. Some of them almost feel sacrilegious to write! But here’s the thing… God already knows if you’re feeling them. In fact He knows what you’re feeling before YOU know what you’re feeling. He would much rather hear you face Him head on with your worries so He can address them than to let you hide your true feelings from Him because He’ll get angry at you as you haven’t earned that mythological level of bad that will let you complain without someone saying “Someone else has it worse.”

Here is a secret to life… It could ALWAYS be worse!

There is no “Sally Saddom” living as a starving orphan in Africa with 20 different health issues, a family destroyed by war, and $100,000 owed in student debts made by a betrayed lover who can truly say “No, she is the one who has it worst”. It can ALWAYS be worse… But you don’t HAVE to have the worst circumstances to have the right to be upset at them!
Here is a secret for you: There have been people who have come up to me to complain or ask for advice on things that are troubling them where I’ve thought “Man… I miss when my life problems were that simple…”
I have “THOUGHT” it… do I say it out loud? Of course not! In fact, I don’t even think any less of the person for struggling with these problems! Instead you give them a hug. You pray for them. You advise them as best you can and are there to support them and tell them they’re strong to have made it this far. This isn’t a lie. This isn’t pampering. This is true! They are strong to have made it this far! Because life IS tough!
So where do we draw the line? Because it’s never as simple as “People are idiots for going to the left so we need to go all the way to the right instead!” no… life is about balance. And even in the Bible, there is a clear distinction between Lament and Whining.
To find the answer, let’s look to one of the bigger names in the Bible who was unhappy with his given circumstances and complained about it…. Jesus…
Jesus in the garden prayed to the point he cried tears of blood begging God if there could be any other way could they use it. He didn’t even just pray once and get a no… He prayed for HOURS. Think about this for a second. Hours of asking God the same question begging Him for a different circumstance, and He KNEW how it would turn out!
But what Jesus said at the end is what makes all the difference. “But your will be done.”
See, what keeps us from being the Israelites in the desert isn’t our being happy and thankful for all our circumstances and saying “At least I’m not like ____!” No… what draws the line between lamenting and whining is the surrender that comes after. To accept that even though you hate the current circumstances, God is in control not you. To realize that even though it hurts like crazy right now, God is still active in your life and blessing you.
Often times when God does come to address lamenters in the Bible, He doesn’t come to say “You did well, and passed. Now I will bless you for all the pain you experienced!” No… in fact He usually doesn’t address the things the lamenter was lamenting about at all! Instead He talks about the stars, the weather, the nations, the animals, the birds, the fish, the insects, the clouds, the plants, EVERYTHING that exists in creation…. then He says how He is in control of all this… He is in control of your circumstances too.
If you are struggling with something… anything right now, and are scared to pray about it because you buy into the Western Church lie that we should be happy and satisfied all the time or we aren’t trusting in God…. don’t be. Read the Bible. It was given to us not so we could have heroes we look up to, but so we could see fellow humans we could relate to. You aren’t the first to question why you are going through what you are. You won’t be the last. If we understood everything we face in life, we wouldn’t need faith to begin with.

Bring it to God, He’s strong enough to take it. But in all things in the end, give it back to Him. He is in control not us.

An Empty World

You Will Never Remove Evil From This World…

This goes beyond philosophy, theology, or prophesy… It is simply logically impossible to take evil OUT of this world.
Imagine you had an empty box and were told to remove the emptiness from it. No matter how hard you dig and pull. No matter what machinery you make or how you position the box. Can you remove the emptiness from the box?
If you had a dark room and were told to remove the darkness from it. What could you turn off or remove from the room (aside from walls and a roof) that could take the darkness out of it?
In the same way, no matter how much we complain and argue about injustice, hatred, bitterness, and unfairness in this world… we will not remove it. One injustice will simply be replaced by another. More often than not, the new injustice is brought on by the party that fought to remove the previous. For evil is not the opposite of good. Evil is the absence of it!

It is not about what we want to take out of this world that matters. It’s about what we want to put into it.

You cannot take the emptiness out of a box, but you can fill it with things instead. You cannot remove darkness from a room, but you can fill it with light instead. In the same way, you cannot remove evil from this world, but you can work hard to put something good in it!
Now even a full box will still have some empty space. Even a lit room will still have some shadows. Even a world with good in it will still have some bad. But if you spend your life focused on what evil you wish to take out of this world, you will only find yourself left in a cold and empty world that has turned you cold and empty in turn. If you focus on what good, what hope, what light you want to put into this world. Who you want to encourage and empower. You will still have a world that has some cold and dark things in it, but it will not be empty, and you will not stand alone…

I Didn’t Expect This…

There are a lot of things I didn’t expect to have happen these last two years…

I didn’t expect my knee and ankle injuries to still be present 2 years later and being told they will probably never heal being forced to walk and carry 10% of what I used to
I didn’t expect doctors to find Fibromyalgia, NASH, Tourettes, extreme hypermobility, anxiety, depression, and PTSD while investigating the leg injury
I didn’t expect to have to spend a year doing tests in worries that I might have liver cancer (thankfully I don’t)
I didn’t expect to be waiting for a year to discover if I had Multiple Sclerosis
I didn’t expect to have to remake the majority of my diet and be banned from majority of my favourite foods and drinks
I didn’t expect to find out that all those people I had been chasing to keep up with were 4-6 levels lower on the pain scale than me with several times my energy
I didn’t expect my headaches and brainfog to get this bad
I didn’t expect to become bound to Ontario doctors
I didn’t expect to need to get 14-20 painful injections directly into my nerve endings every week
I didn’t expect some people to react the ways they did
I didn’t expect to have a good number of relatives also get diagnosed with autoimmune diseases
I didn’t expect my dog to die
I didn’t expect my grandmother to die
I didn’t expect my grandad to die
I didn’t expect any of my friends to die
I didn’t expect family dynamics to change as much as they did
I didn’t expect to be fighting 500-1000 other applicants for pretty much every job
I didn’t expect the job market to be this bad even with a bachelors degree you gained with the highest honors the school could give you and seven years of work experience
I didn’t expect unemployment stats to be so different from reality that most people wouldn’t realize how bad it actually is out there
I didn’t expect the freelancers to tell you to get a dayjob to get the certification and training you need to be profitable and the dayjobs to suggest freelancing to earn money until the market could be better to get a dayjob
I didn’t expect to feel like I’d be running into walls and spinning my wheels this long
I didn’t expect to have my entire perceptions of self worth and reality so battered and questioned by the ruthlessness of reality
I didn’t expect so many sleepless nights. Sometimes from pain, sometimes from fear, stress, and heartbreak
I didn’t expect to cry so much
I didn’t expect to feel like dry heaving so often
I didn’t expect stress and despair to be this bad
I didn’t expect to be scared of things looking hopeful as it usually lines me up for another sucker punch directly after
I didn’t expect hope and future to seem so far away
I didn’t expect all this and more….

But even in all this… all this junk… that’s terrifying and depressing. That keeps you up at night and makes you wonder what you’re still fighting for… In all this… there is still good that has been done…

A relationship with parents that have improved considerably
A desire to improve myself both by health and study
A university degree that I was scared to face (because I was never very academic) that I not only got but managed to get the 4.0 GPA on by the grace of God
A chance to be there for my mother and father in their times of grieving so they wouldn’t have to face them alone
A realization that I wasn’t so weak that my best is still laziness to others. I was strong enough to keep up with people who should have been miles ahead of me
Losing the luxury of mediocrity which has forced me to shoot for the stars whether I hit them or not
Being forced to face monsters I have put off facing for too long
Getting a chance to meet with and start to understand the vast majority of the world who have “Fallen through the cracks” of most people’s lives
2 laps of the Bible and counting
Study of advanced topics such as programming, accounting, business analysis, project management, and more
A deep look into numerous industries and companies that most people have never even heard of
A chance to understand how “I” work, not how I’m expected to work
A chance to see there is still value to a life that others cannot see value in
Being forced to learn to ask for help and look out for me a bit (Two things I really stink at. I’d rather help and focus on you)
A chance to daily live seeing how even when everything around you is falling apart… God is in control.

Does this mean I like living like this? No! I pray daily…. no… more like hourly that this time of life will change. There are things I have gotten stronger on, but there is also a lot of damage that is being done that, Lord sparing; will take a while to heal…

But even when things seem hopeless… there are still good things being done. Even when loss is great… there are still things you are gaining… Even when you are being repetitively shoved down again… there is still opportunity to get back up


Some people ask “How can you still believe in God when so much has happened??” To which I say two things:

1. What difference would it make if I didn’t? Nothing will change if there is no God… I’m already trying my hardest. I’m not gonna suddenly try harder if there is no deity watching over me. In fact I’d probably give up in despair. Nothing changes if there is no God… Everything changes if there is one!
2. The fact that things are SO bad… the timing is SO perfect… The loss of things that matter most to me… the gaining of experiences I fear most… It is so customized perfect beyond what is statistically possible by chance… there has to be a God. Because whether it is by God’s hand it happened or by God’s hand it was allowed to happen… if there is someone fighting THIS hard to make me give up believing on God, it must mean there is a God they REALLY don’t want me to believe in. There is no reason to work THIS hard and precisely to make someone lose faith if there was nothing for them to have faith in in the first place.
So ya… It’s been hard. I don’t want any of this. I want to wake up tomorrow being healthy with a full time job, a relationship, a house, a new car that isn’t threatening to break down at any second, and enough money to pay off debts and live off of. Of course I want that. Who wouldn’t? But one of the things God’s been really working on me is to realize He isn’t a sadist. He doesn’t punish us because we are a “disgrace to him. People who death is too good for. You should learn to live in a hellish experience where each day will be worse than the last” like humans I knew told me long ago…
He is our heavenly Father. He sent His son to die on the cross for us, not so he could torment us but so He could save us. He is also a master creator. His plans are intricate and use both pain and pleasure to guide us to heights greater than we ever thought we would reach on our own.
So thank you if you got this far reading through this overly personal post. Yes it betrays all things of society, job hunting, and social media responsibility to be this open about skeletons we feel we should keep in our closet, but I am open about it for two main reasons:
1. We all live in pain. We hide our pain to look as good as those around us who only look good because they are hiding their pain to look as good as we look. This is idiotic. I have found more good can come from admitting we are human beings who struggle and fight forward through pain, than leading people to believe we are strong heroes immune to pain. I want people to know. This isn’t easy for me. I am struggling. I am crying. I feel like everything about me is being broken. Like I am left out to dry. There are days I am meh, there are days I am angry, there are days I’m scared out of my whits! Know that I am not strong…. I didn’t think I would make it past November 2017! God who is strong has brought me this far.
2. Because I want you to know how much I am hurting. How much I am questioning. How empty I feel right now. Not so you can pity me, but so you can know the weight of when I say “GOD IS STILL GOOD!” Because anyone can say “God is so good!” when everything is going well again. Anyone can give a teary smiley testimony about how God saved them from their lowest point… But I want you to know right here and now… at what is most likely the lowest point that I have experienced. I may not be able to say it every day. I may not be able to fully understand it. But no matter my circumstances. No matter what I am going through. No matter what fate God has in store for me…. GOD IS STILL GOOD! He always has been, He always will be


Life is Hard

One of the hardest aspects of life is not to let the pain win… because let’s admit it… life is hard. And yes! No sooner will you say this than some wise to themselves person will point out you can still eat and have a home but they miss the whole point. Life is hard. The fact that you can think of a worse case scenario doesn’t make it less so. Believe me. My imagination is better than most and I can think of more hellish situations than I hear suggested. It is a cold comfort.

Life is hard and pain is real.
Pain is not about intensity but rate of change. It is about acceleration not velocity. Constant pain does limit you (believe me I know that well) but even intense unending pain… you adapt to scarily well even if you still dread and avoid it.

Life is hard, and people are often a cold comfort.
People mean well… more often than we think… but in all honesty I have probably experienced more pain from those who meant well than those who meant harm. But here in lies the trick. No matter how much they hurt you. No matter how justified you feel. You cannot let bitterness take hold. You were burned by people who had things that burnt them that they couldn’t let go of. If you refuse to let go of it too you’ll just burn someone else and the cycle will continue and never stop. Yes it is unfair. Yes great injustices are done in this world and we live in the age of vigilantism where we honor those who stick it to the corruptness of the government. We fight monsters without seeing the monsters we have become. Broken hearts are like broken glass. They only hurt whoever comes and tries to pick them up.

Life is hard and we feel alone.
That is the thing with hardships. They make us feel separate from everyone else. We feel dirty and broken. We need to hide our dirty laundry lest others see us not live up to their perfect lives and throw us out… but their lives only look clean as we don’t see their laundry either. Those who judge your laundry loudest often have a large amount of their own just of a different type. See, not everyone can relate to success or happiness. Safety or comfort… but everyone… no matter who knows what pain feels like. They know what it feels like to be overwhelmed or scared. They know what it’s like to hide away feeling they are broken or damaged. We fear showing our weakness in fears that no one will accept us. We forget that our pain is the one thing that everyone can relate to. That we have survived this long by fighting every day in a battle that is not easy. We are not the only ones fighting.

Life is hard and sometimes winners stink.
We all see it these days. Reports about how social media ruins our self esteem. How people shouldn’t celebrate their happiness for the sakes of those who can’t achieve it… I know the feeling. Most my life dreams are 5-7 years late in spite of my efforts. A number of them are becoming increasingly impossible due to everything that has gone haywire these last 2-8 years. It is hard not to feel a bit sick to your stomach watching people almost a decade younger than you achieving things you have wanted your whole life. Seeing people visiting places you fought to go to and failed at because “I was bored and it seemed interesting lolz”. But that isn’t the kind of person I want to be. I want to celebrate the successes of my friends, not morn my inability to achieve the same. I want to care more about the well being of others than the growing insecurities of myself.

Life is hard. Anyone who says otherwise is taking it too lightly. Life is hard. It is so very very hard. It is painful, unfair, unpredictable, and your success is not as tied to your effort as the motivational speakers would have you think. You can do every right choice and still be passed by people lazing about. The cruel can, and probably will get away with figurative and literal murder. You will do 100 things right and not be noticed then do 1 thing wrong and have the world seem to turn against you




But because life is hard… you cannot become hard too. You cannot give in to bitterness and vengeance, justified or not. You can not give up, no matter how impossible it seems. You cannot play along with everyone else’s game no matter how successful it seems to make them… because life is hard… and if you give in too it will continue being hard for everyone.

Be a refuge

Break the cycle

Don’t fight to take what you hate out of this world

Fight to add what you want to it

Because life is hard!

Blessing in Suffering

Abraham may have spent his life wandering, never seeing his descendants “Become a great nation”… but still was blessed wherever he went.
Joseph may have spent a long time as a slave and a prisoner in Egypt, but he was still the HEAD slave and HEAD prisoner.
Moses may have spent the last 40 years of his life wandering the wilderness with a bunch of complainers, but still he lived to around 120, and still had perfect vision and strength. Yeesh! His shoes didn’t even wear out!
David may have had to wait after being told he would be the next king while he was out back as a Shepard, and later on pursued by Saul for years trying to kill him through every means possible. But even has an outcast David had an army of supporters. He was even accepted by the very people he fought against.

We often mistake “God not putting us where we want to be” with “God not working in our lives at all.” But even in the hardest times, God is there.

We often think things like “My life can never get any worse!” but… not to be depressing…. but it honestly can. The problem of hitting the bottom of the barrel is that the barrel has many false bottoms to it…
So what? Are we failing as Christians if we don’t enjoy the fact that we are sitting in kind of hot oil but still not boiling oil? Of course not! God does not ask us to become masochistic. I have heard it said in regards to martyrs that there is no glory in seeking death for a cause. The glory comes from holding onto what you believe in even if doing so will lead to death.
Every one of those people mentioned prayed to God REPETITIVELY for their situations to change. Some even got to see it change.
The thing isn’t about enjoying your life doing the things you hate. Nor is it the belief that “If you truly are strong in your faith God should reward you with everything you desire.” The trick is to, even on the paths we do not wish to tread, see the beauty and protection of God throughout it. Not so that we will love the path, but so we can remind ourselves that even here in this dark place, God is still working in our lives. And if God is still working in our lives, that means He can not only rescue us, but use this to make us stronger.

So take comfort in that! Not that the path is lovely, but that God is still with us through it.

A Simple Reminder

Have You Ever Heard Any of the Following??

-“If you think that’s bad you should hear what ____ is going through!”
-“Well there are people who have it worse than you!”
-“___ is going through ____. Makes you feel better about your own issues now doesn’t it??”
-“At least you aren’t dealing with _____”
…I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who hasn’t heard something like these in their life…. and I think I’ve met just as many people who have found it to be encouraging or improve their view of their current situation…
We often judge “life circumstances” based on a level of “severity” which is entirely based on what we ourselves feel like we could or could not handle… This isn’t how suffering works though. Suffering is about the severity of the change, not what you change into. The acceleration, not the velocity if you will.
I live in chronic pain throughout my whole body. There are costs to this. Bad headaches, an inability to keep up with others physically… there are definite hardships that come from dealing with this… but I’ve been like this for over twenty years now. I didn’t even realize other people didn’t deal with this until two years ago. For me, waking up with sore and stiff muscles is just business as usual. For others who are used to not feeling in pain, it is a limiting factor that makes it hard for them to do anything. It isn’t what you are dealing with that controls how big a crisis it is for you. It is how much it differs (negatively) from what is the norm for you.
And so I’m going to say three things that I personally find IS encouraging to people who are dealing with hardships. (Spoiler Alert: Literally everyone is to some extent). It is something I’ve said a few times before; but something I feel people still need to hear… at least until they finally appreciate just how large the implications of it are…. They are three things that I don’t need to know your life circumstances to know it applies to you… in fact; I don’t even need to know YOU to know it applies to you! It applies to all of us who have lived long enough to read this post.

1. What You are Going Through IS Hard!!!!

Don’t belittle it!
Don’t be ashamed of how much you’re struggling with it!
Don’t be afraid to talk about it lest you be made fun of!
Don’t think you are just some weakling for struggling with something like this!!
I don’t care if you are starving with no money to buy groceries, or you’re having a down day because you accidentally hit a squirrel on your way into work… What you are going through IS hard because to YOU it is hard!
Remember… Being strong doesn’t mean you will never struggle… that just means you’ve never been tested. Being strong means that you will keep fighting forward in spite of struggling!
Don’t shame yourself for struggling. Everyone does it and it is honestly what drives us to grow. Accept your struggles. Mourn if you need to. But then get ready to pick yourself up again, because there are still two more things to say!

2. You are NOT Alone!!!!

I know how it feels… no one checks in on you…. or maybe you’re the one everyone turns to but have no one to turn to yourself… maybe you feel like you’ve just messed up so much that no one cares… maybe you think no one ever did care…
These are lies! The fact that you have lived this long… no matter what you’ve gone through… no matter how much you’ve felt neglected on… the fact that you are still breathing right now means you are not abandoned… because human beings are not self sufficient like that!
In addition to that; human beings aren’t isolated creatures… Every life we interact with we touch, and they touch our lives the same. Even the barista you bought your coffee from this morning… that 2 minute exchange can have an effect on them and on you as well.
Whether it be family, friends, a church, or professional services… I promise you there are people out there who care about your well being and may even help you if you ask. You are not a nobody. No one is! Your life is precious and one of a kind. Irreplaceable and needed. You Matter!

3. You CAN Get Through This!!!

It’s easy to feel like it’s too much… like you’ve messed up too badly… that the mountain in front of you is too big and it’s too late anyways… You look at your friends around you holding the things you want… Yeesh! You see those kids 10 years younger than you getting the things you should have by now and think “What did I do with my life??? Why am I so bad at this?? What even is the point anymore?!?!?!?!”
Life doesn’t run on rails!
In spite of what we often think, there is no set path to life. No time schedule (well for the most part. They do apparently frown on taking nap time past kindergarten but hey!) There is no quota or even order you are supposed to meet.
Life is a walk through the wilderness. A winding path which each person travels differently. Don’t feel like you failed just because someone is further ahead walking down a straight path while you traverse hills and curves. You are gaining things you will need down the way that they don’t even know exist anymore!
But it can be scary… and hard. Well meaning people will often ask you when you will get your life together, or if you are even trying. On top of that, most resources and systems that people rely on are tuned assuming people are all walking the same road… You are not a pedestrian though. You are a trailblazer! You need to think… be creative… look for what you are gaining and think of how you can use it to your advantage!
Your mountains may not seem much smaller as you continue to walk down the path…. in fact, there may be days they seem much bigger…. but guess what. You’re going to be bigger too. You may not always succeed just for giving life your best; but you will always grow. No matter how many times you fall, as long as you get up, you will be a little stronger than before.
Keep walking the path before you. Trust the one who set you on it. There is no “Game Over” screen in life until you die. No matter how far you think you’ve fallen… you are not beyond getting back again. Keep walking until you realize that you’ve gained more on this journey than you’ve ever lost.
So, I don’t know what you’re dealing with right now. Maybe you’re struggling with singleness. Maybe you’re struggling with unemployment. Maybe you’re struggling with not being a parent. Maybe you’re struggling just with life never seeming to work out. You could be wanting to just give up… having lost all motivation to get out of bed in the morning. You could be scared out of your mind and hiding from all the things that could be wrong. You may even be considering destructive behaviours to distract yourself, or even just ending it all as there’s no real point left anyways….
Whatever you’re going through… no matter how bad you feel… no matter what well meaning people have told you in the past that has pushed you farther down the path…. let me tell you right here and now….

What you’re going through IS hard! Don’t be ashamed to struggle with it!

You are NOT alone! Don’t feel like no one cares if you live or die, and don’t be afraid to ask others for help even for things you feel like you SHOULD be able to carry yourself.

You CAN get through this! Don’t give up before you see where this road ends.


Keep on fighting 🙂

Screwdrivers and Hammers

Imagine if you were a screwdriver in a world of hammers:
All your life was spent learning how to be a hammer. All jobs and processes were designed to be used by hammers. All infrastructure and technological achievements had been designed in order to help hammers be the best hammers they could be.
Now this is a problem… you see… it is not complicated to be a hammer. You can hit stuff with a screwdriver. You can even hammer in a nail with a screwdriver…. but even still, screwdrivers make lousy hammers. Their balance is off, their weight is insufficient, and they lack the durability any hammer has.
So you probably spent your life being told “Just put in effort like everyone else!” or “You can do it if you just try!”. Meanwhile you were faced with the conundrum of how could you possibly try harder? Were you just incompetent? Was there something wrong with you? You were trying harder but still failing at even the simplest tasks and your handle was getting beaten and tattered from repetitive misuse.
. . . Know that just because everyone else seems able to do something one way doesn’t mean YOU can! We as humans are not carbon copies of each other. We do not fit into metrics nor do we all have the same path set before us.
But not all is hopeless. You aren’t just fated to a life of “not measuring up to others standards.” it’s not simply “A burden we must endure.” Because in this world screws also exist.
Now hammers do not like screws. They don’t understand them. Screws are hard to hammer in, don’t hold on well when you do, and really just cause more damage than they’re worth. Screws are dangerous, frivolous, and wasteful…. At least if you approach a screw with the abilities of a hammer.
For a screwdriver though, screws are simple and smart. They hold tighter and last longer than nails do. It takes less force as with a simple twist, the screw does the work for you digging itself in and holding things together.
. . . The same way you need to realize that there are things others can do easily that you can’t. Realize as well there are things you can do easily that others can’t. Don’t limit yourself to others’ weaknesses as well as your own! Just because it was impossible for them does not mean it is impossible for you!
Now I am in no way saying that we should just toss aside all advice given to us as “Them simply not understanding and appreciating us!” No! There is wisdom from the words of those who have experienced things we have not…. but always realize those people are not you. And also realize there is very much a bias in this world!
“An Average Person” may not actually exist, but there IS most definitely a range of “mainstream culture” that is better supported and considered “normal”. People who fit more into this range than others may live their entire lives without realizing that not everyone is that lucky. They have information about how to move ahead provided to them, they get complimented on the path they take, they always have loads of other people to enjoy the path with and ask advice from.
If you’re a screwdriver in a world of hammers, there is most definitely a place and path for you in this world. You may even find it to bring more powerful results than the path you were told to walk with everyone else. But YOU HAVE TO LOOK FOR IT! Because there aren’t as many people there to point it out.
I’ve heard it argued “We think so we can stop having to think.” I’d argue that we should “Think so we can then think of even greater things.”
Don’t give up!
Don’t stop searching!
Keep Growing!
Keep Walking!
You’ve Got This!